Scottish Country Dance ("SCD", for short) is a form of Scottish ballroom dance that is danced by groups (sets) of usually three to four couples to lively Scottish music (mainly reels, jigs and strathspeys). In contrast to Ceilidh dances, which are often danced with normal walking steps, special steps are used for Scottish Country Dancing, which look very impressive when performed correctly. Posture, hand position, precise steps and continuous eye contact with each other are all important since Scottish Country Dancing means working as a team. The appeal is, among other things, that the dancers have to dance from different positions and thus their actions and dance path change. Each dance is composed of a series (usually 4 or 5) of individual figures, which are danced through, first by the first couple as the "leading" couple, alone or supported by the other dancers (the supporting couples), then by all the other couples in turn. Soft leather shoes, so-called ghillies , are usually worn.

View from North Queensferry to Forth Bridge

Eileen Donan Castle in the backround
History: When the Scottish Country Dance Society was founded in Glasgow, on November 26th, 1923 by Jean Milligan and Isobel Stewart, the primary goal was to revive, practice, and preserve country dances as danced in Scotland, and restore it to the ballroom in a dignfied and sociable manne r. Much has been done to achieve this goal. In 1924, a first book with 12 dances was published, and a system was created to train teachers who would uphold the goals of society. Music recordings were sponsored to aid the dances published in the books. In 1927, the summer school opened for the first time, in St. Andrews, and has become a mecca for every dancer: to this day, dancers from all over the world meet here. In 1946 Queen Elizabeth II was named patron of the society. King George VI awarded the title "Royal" in 1951. Since then the society has been allowed to call itself the "Royal Scottish Country Dance Society", or RSCDS for short (www.rscds.org).